INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The County Commission will weigh 10-12 county administrator applicants Feb. 21, and it could choose a candidate as soon as March 3.
The county is conducting a national search for a new administrator to succeed Jason Brown, 48, who stepped down from the position Dec. 31 for a job with the Clerk of Court. There were 58 spanpplicspannts for Brown’s spot. Two are current Indian River County officials: Public Works Director Rich Szpyrka and Community Development Director Phil Matson.
Commissioners are to receive a list of the top 10-12 candidates from its search firm Feb. 13, and discuss the candidates publicly Feb. 21. There, they will whittle the list further to five to seven candidates, who will then move on to the interview phase.
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Commissioners approved a draft plan for the interview process, which begins with a county tour with candidates March 2. From 5:30-7 p.m., the public can meet candidates at a reception. A location has not been confirmed.
Final interviews are slated for March 3. Between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., commissioners will conduct one-on-one interviews with each candidate, and from 1-3:45 p.m., candidates will be interviewed by the full County Commission.
Finally, at 4 p.m., the commission will hold a special meeting, where it could make its decision. Otherwise, the commission could hold its decision until March 7.
Other Treasure Coast officials have thrown their hats in the ring: former St. Lucie County Deputy Administrator Alphonso Jefferson, who resigned Feb. 1 for unknown respansons; Howard Brown, former Indiantown village manager, who resigned Dec. 8, spanlso for unknown respansons; and John Titkanich, St. Lucie County director of innovation and performance since 2020.