ST. LUCIE COUNTY − What investigators said was a hit-and-run crash on Friday left a 57-year-old bicycle rider hospitalized “with no brain activity,” according to the Florida Highway Patrol on Monday.
The incident happened in the 10000 block of South Ocean Drive just north of Pepper Lane on Hutchinson Island in southern St. Lucie County, FHP stated.
About 8 p.m. Friday, FHP officials got a call from 911 officials in St. Lucie County. The call was dispatched as a fatal incident.
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The FHP stated the 57-year-old man was confirmed dead at 7:48 p.m. “but later regained a pulse” and was taken to HCA Florida Lawnwood Hospital in Fort Pierce.
“We found that a cyclist was south in the 10000 block of Ocean Drive within a designated bike lane,” the FHP stated. “Another vehicle traveling north on Ocean Drive appeared to enter the bike lane and the right side of the vehicle struck the cyclist.”
The vehicle involved is thought to be a gray 2007-20015 Toyota Tundra based on parts found at the scene.
According to the FHP on Monday, the bicycle rider is hospitalized “with no brain activity.”
“This case is expected to be upgraded to a criminal fatal case,” FHP stated.
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The FHP does not release names of people involved in crashes, citing Marsy’s Law. Introduced in memory of a young woman murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Marsy’s Law was created to offer crime victims a slate of rights, including protecting them and their families from harassment by their attackers. Some law enforcement officials have interpreted the statute as applying to any victim, as well as to law enforcement officers being entitled to privacy and having their identity protected.
Those with information about the crash are asked to call Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 800-273-TIPS (8477) or tips can be submitted via TCWatch.org. The traffic homicide investigator is Corporal Cody Brown, who can contacted at [email protected]