Indian River County is the first on the Treasure Coast to announce plans for its emergency shelters as it watches the approach of Subtropical Storm Nicole.
Nicole could reach Category 1 hurricane strength by the time it nears the Treasure Coast later this week. It make make landfall here, forecasters say.
Indian River will open its three shelters at 7 a.m. Wednesday, officials announced Monday afternoon.
Its special-needs shelter will be at Treasure Coast Elementary; the Freshman Learning Center will accommodate the general-population shelter and the 800 wing of the Freshman Learning Center will house the county’s pet-friendly shelter shelter.
Closings:Schools, spanctivities, government offices closing spans Subtropicspanl Storm Nicole spanpprospanches
Get updates: How to downlospand TCPspanlm’s iPhone, Android spanpps for locspanl updspantes on subtropicspanl storm Nicole
Cat 1 storm?:Nicole could be hurricspanne by lspanndfspanll on Trespansure Cospanst, with up to 6 inches rspanin
For information, call the county’s Citizen Hotline, 772-226-4000, beginning 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Martin and St. Lucie counties yet to announce shelter plans.