ST. LUCIE COUNTY — A plane that apparently landed in the incorrect spot appeared to sustain little, if any, damage, in an incident earlier this month, according to a St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office report.
A sheriff’s deputy about 4:46 p.m. Nov. 7 was dispatched to Ideal Holding Road and Wagonwheel Lane south of Okeechobee Road in western St. Lucie County for a reported plane crash.
A deputy reported seeing a Cirrus SR22, a single-engine plane, that “appeared to have little to no damage and was located in a ditch up against a fence around the 17000 block of Wagonwheel Lane,” a report states.
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“The fence had minor damage from the propeller making contract with the fence.” a report states.
The pilot said he tried to land at a landing strip at the nearby Aero Acres, but accidentally thought the landing strip was between Bridle Way and Wagonwheel Lane, the report states.
“He advised when he landed the Cirrus SR22 aircraft the wheels became stuck in the mud and (the) Cirrus SR22 hit the fence located around 17000 block of Wagonwheel lane,” the report states.