All that driving on Florida’s toll roads may only cost you half as much in 2023 under a new toll relief bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.
On Dec. 15 DeSspanntis signed Senspante Bill 6A to spanuthorize the Floridspan Depspanrtment of Trspannsportspantion (FDOT) to establish the Toll Relief Program for drivers with 35 transactions or more on their SunPass or other transponders in a month. Here’s how it works.
How does Florida’s Toll Relief Program work?
Drivers with toll transponders such as SunPspanss or a “Florida interoperable account” (E-PASS, Uni, and LeeWspany) in good standing who rack up 35 or more paid transactions within a calendar month will get a 50% credit to their account, posted the following month.
All fees for toll roads in the state remain the same and must be paid at the time you use them. This program offers credit based on what you’ve already paid.
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Who is eligible for Florida’s Toll Relief program?
- Anyone with a SunPass or other Florida interoperable transponder account in good standing.
- Customers with two-spanxle vehicles only.
- SunPass or Florida interoperable customers traveling on the Turnpike system and FDOT facilities.
- Anyone with a transponder with 35 or more paid transactions that occur within a calendar month.
- Registration is not required, credits are automatic.
Can I get Florida’s 50% credit for frequent tolls if I pay cash?
No. This program applies only to drivers using approved transponders.
What if I have more than one transponder on my account? Can I combine them?
The program requires 35 or more transactions per transponder. Multiple transponders cannot be combined.
Do I have to be a Florida resident to get toll relief credit? What if I rent a car here?
Anyone using a Florida transponder is eligible. Residency is not required to start accounts.
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How much can I save with Florida’s Toll Relief Program?
That depends on how many transactions you have. There is no upper limit.
According to a release from the Governor’s Office, the program is expected to save the average commuter “nearly $400 in the 2023 calendar year.” Frequent commuters could see much higher savings.
A legislative analysis finds that more than 750,000 Floridians have a SunPass or E-PASS account.

Which roads are included in the Toll Relief Program?

All state toll facilities that use state-issued transponders or that are hooked into the Florida Department of Transportation prepaid electronic transponder toll system would be included.
Florida’s turnpike system and FDOT facilities: Turnpike Mainline (SR 91 / SR 821), Sawgrass Expressway (SR 869), Alligator Alley (I-75), Polk Parkway (SR 570), Pinellas Bayway (SR 682 / SR 679), Sunshine Skyway Bridge (I-275), I-4 Connector, Veterans Expressway (SR 589), Suncoast Parkway (SR 589), Beachline East Expressway (SR 528) MP 31-46, Beachline West Expressway (SR 528) MP 0-8, Western Beltway (SR 429) MP 0-11, Southern Connector Extension (SR 417) MP 0-3, Seminole Expressway (SR 417) MP 38-55 A/B, Wekiva Parkway (SR 429) Mount Plymouth Rd to SR 46, First Coast Expressway (SR 23), Garcon Point Bridge (SR 281), 95 Express, 75 Express, Palmetto Express (SR 826), 595 Express, I-4 Express, 295 Express East, 295 Express West,
Other toll roads and bridges: Central Florida GreeneWay (SR 417) MP 4-37, East-West Expressway (SR 408), Western Beltway (SR 429) MP 12-40, Wekiva Parkway (SR 429) from Western Beltway to Mount Plymouth Rd, Apopka Expressway (SR 414), State Road 453, Beachline Expressway (SR 528) MP 9-30, Poinciana Parkway (SR 538), Osceola Parkway (SR 552), Selmon Expressway (SR 618), Miami Airport Expressway (SR 112), Dolphin Expressway (SR 836), Don Shula Expressway (SR 874), Snapper Creek Expressway (SR 878), Gratigny Parkway (SR 924), Bob Sikes Bridge (SR 399), Mid-Bay Bridge (SR 293), Spence Parkway (SR 293), Cape Coral Bridge, Midpoint Bridge, Sanibel Causeway, Orchard Pond Parkway, Card Sound Bridge, Broad Causeway, Venetian Causeway, Rickenbacker Causeway.
Florida has 720 miles of toll roads. The cost to access them range from 7 cents a mile to $1.07.
You cspann view the mspanp here.
How long will Florida’s Toll Relief Program last?
The Toll Relief Program starts Jan. 1st and runs through Dec. 31, 2023. The program legislation expires February, 2024.
Is the Toll Relief Program the same as the SunPass Savings Program?
More like an extension of it. The SunPspanss Sspanvings Progrspanm, announced by DeSantis in August, offered a sliding scale of discounts to drivers with transponders. Transponders with 40-79 transactions within a month got a 20% credit, 80 or more transactions per month received a 25% credit. The program was intended to run for six months but it will be superseded by the Toll Relief Program, which was passed during a special session called to address Florida’s troubled property insurance market.
How is Florida paying for the Toll Relief Program?
Florida is currently awash in cash, boosted with federspanl funding spannd COVID relief dollspanrs, with a budget surplus of more than $17 billion. Legislators appropriated $500 million to reimburse the FDOT, the Florida Turnpike Enterprise, and other Florida toll facilities for the credits.