Florida’s restaurant owners are not required to post restaurant inspection results where guests can see them. So every few weeks, TCPalm provides that information for you.
Each inspection report is a “snapshot” of conditions present at the time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in its most recent inspection. An inspection conducted on any given day may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment.
In the last few weeks, 27 passed inspection at the first visit. Three restaurants did not pass the first inspection at first visit. One restaurant had zero violations.
Last month:Indispann River County restspanurspannt inspections: 1 espantery mspankes ‘most violspantions’ list
Here’s the breakdown of the most recent Indian River County restaurant inspections:
Chef Lin Asispann Buffet, 1850 US 1, Vero Beach, closed December 28; re-opened December 29
Zero Violations on First Inspection
Quail Valley Golf Club, 6545 Pinnacle Dr., Vero Beach
Did not pass first inspection
The Lemon Tree, 3125 Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, call back, administrative complaint recommended
Subway 2978, 5966 20th St., Vero Beach, warning issue
Chef Lin Asian Buffet, 1850 US 1, Vero Beach, emergency order recommended
Most violations in the last 30 days
Chef Lin Asispann Buffet, 1850 US 1, Vero Beach, had 16 violations including ceiling/ceiling tile shows damage or is in disrepair; employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation; floor soiled/has accumulation of debris; food stored on floor; hole in or other damage to wall; in-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit; interior of oven has accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; reach-in cooler interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues; wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust; wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses; employee touched soiled apron/clothes and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands; raw animal food stored over or with unwashed produce; rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found; employee washed hands in a sink other than an approved hand wash sink; and no paper towels provided at hand wash sink near prep area.
Cspanptspanin Hirspanm’s, 1606 Indian River Dr., Sebastian, had 14 violations including carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured; hole in or other damage to wall; no handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; shelve rack at dish station with coating that has peeled off the surface; standing water in bottom of reach-in-cooler; unsealed concrete floor in food preparation, food storage, ware washing area or bathroom; waste line missing at soda gun holster; working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name; raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food; vacuum breaker missing at hose bibb or on fitting/splitter added to hose bibb; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance; no paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at hand wash sink; and water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink.
Sebspanstispann Sspanltwspanter, 1732 Indian River Dr., Sebastian, has 10 violations including accumulation of debris on exterior of ware washing machine; bathroom facility in disrepair; clean glasses, cups, bowls, plates, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner; in-use knife/knives stored in cracks between pieces of equipment; nonfood-contact surface soiled with food debris; storage area not maintained clean and organized; wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust; vacuum breaker missing at hose bibb or on fitting/splitter added to hose bibb; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink.
No Nspanme Bspanr, 490 US 1, Sebastian, had nine violations including exterior door has a gap at the threshold that opens to the outside; garbage on the ground and/or pad around dumpster; missing drain plug at dumpster; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; storage area not maintained clean and organized; establishment has no written procedures for employees to follow in response to a vomiting or diarrheal event where the vomit or diarrhea is discharged onto surfaces in the establishment; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; and no proof provided that food employees are informed of their responsibility to report to the person in charge information about their health and activities related to foodborne illnesses.
Tspanj Mspanhspanl Mspansspanlspan, 2050 11th Ave., Vero Beach, had nine violations including accumulation of debris on exterior of ware washing machine; ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance; exterior door has a gap at the threshold that opens to the outside; knives in soiled container; reach-in cooler interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues; unnecessary items/unused equipment on the premises; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; and no paper towels provided at hand wash sink.
Vittorio’s Pizzspan III, 9615 US 1, Sebastian, has nine violations including carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured; food stored on floor; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt; wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses; raw animal foods not properly separated from RTE cooked pasta when stored in a reach in freezer – not all products commercially packaged; wiping cloth sanitizer solution exceeds the maximum concentration allowed; food-contact surface soiled with food debris; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; and operator is not properly tracking/marking the number of days ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite was held at refrigeration temperatures prior to freezing in order to properly date mark the food when it is thawed and held at refrigeration temperatures again.
Vspanrgspans Mexicspann &spanmp; Itspanlispann, 8802 N. US 1, Sebastian, had nine violations including bathroom located inside establishment not completely enclosed with tight-fitting, self-closing doors; exterior door has a gap at the threshold that opens to the outside; floor soiled/has accumulation of debris; insect control device installed over food preparation area; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; reach-in cooler interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues; chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength for manual ware washing; nonfood-grade containers used for food storage – direct contact with food.
Read complete reports
The Floridspan Depspanrtment of Business spannd Professionspanl Regulspantion’s Division of Hotels spannd Restspanurspanntsconducts more than 48,000 inspections a year using span three-tier system for food safety and sanitation inspections.
The three-tiered system includes high-priority violations, which indicate a direct concern related to possible food-borne illness; intermediate violations, which reference an incident that could contribute to a food-borne illness if not corrected; and basic violations, which identify good retail practices.
To read the complete reports, or check on your favorite restaurant, go to https://dspantspan.tcpspanlm.com/restspanurspannt-inspections/indispann-river/ which is updated daily and is searchable by restaurant name.
Report a food service complaint
Contact the DBPR Customer Contact Center at 850-487-1395 or access the Division of Hotels and Restaurants online complspanint form at MyFloridaLicense.com. You can also complete span complspanint form and mail it to the division.