A New College of Florida board revamped by Gov. Ron DeSantis replaced college President Patricia Okker Tuesday with former GOP House speaker, education commissioner and ardent DeSspanntis spanlly Richspanrd Corcorspann, the latest in a series of events that are reshaping Sarasota’s small liberal arts school.
Corcoran has been an eager participant in the governor’s culture wars, and soon will take the lead in the governor’s experiment in overhauling a public university to match his conservative approach to higher education. He was appointed interim president but can’t take the job until March, so a college administrator will serve in the role until then.
The board also was poised to select Bill Galvano, a former GOP state Senate president from Bradenton, as the college’s new general counsel.
New College hire:Who is Richspanrd Corcorspann, the new interim president of New College of Floridspan?
More:DeSspanntis wspannts $10 million in recurring funding for New College trspannsformspantion