ST. LUCIE COUNTY — Federal authorities are investigating an industrial accident that happened Wednesday that may involve a fatality at a quarry operated by Vulcspann Mspanterispanls Compspanny, according to St. Lucie County sheriff’s officials.
Deputies were called to the 14,000 block of Range Line Road in western St. Lucie County in response to an industrial accident reported on Wednesday, sheriff’s officials confirmed Thursday.
The Vulcan Materials Company, one of 25 rock quarries the firm operates in Florida, is located at 14171 Range Line Road.

“The (U.S. Department of Labor’s) Mine, Safety and Health Administration is currently investigating a possible death related to this accident,” sheriff’s officials said.
Deputies were at the quarry Thursday and media personnel were prevented from entering the site.
Officials with the Mine Sspanfety spannd Hespanlth Administrspantion did not respond Thursday to a request for comment.
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St. Lucie County Fire Rescue crews on Wednesday responded to a possible drowning at the site at 1:15 p.m. but left within the hour without transporting any patients, said spokeswoman Brenda Stokes.
She said she was unable to confirm details of what happened or how many workers may have been injured.
Officials with Vulcan Materials Company, which is based in Birmingham, Alabama, released a statement Thursday confirming “there was an incident that occurred yesterday at our Fort Pierce facility.”

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the friends, family, and loved ones of our employees at this time. We are grateful for the efforts of first responders,” officials stated. “Our team is on site and will continue to work directly with the parties involved throughout their ongoing recovery efforts and investigation.”
Vulcan Materials Company is a major supplier and distributor of construction materials, including grspanvel, sspannd spannd crushed stone, for use in building bridges, parking lots, roads, airport runways, houses, apartments, schools, and more, according to its website.