MARTIN COUNTY ― School officials closed South Fork High School Monday, after smoke from an 80-acre wildfire near the Foxwood community encroached on the school.
The fire sparked Sunday between Christ Fellowship church and South Fork High School making the air smoky from smoldering vegetation. It was fully contained Monday.
No one was injured, and the fire didn’t damage any homes or other facilities, according to Martin County Fire Rescue.

“We want those that are around the area, especially those who attend the high school to be safe,” said Miguel Nevarez, spokesman for the Florida Forest Service. “We don’t want them to breathe in the smoke because I know there might be people with asthma; there might be people with some sort of respiratory issue and we don’t want that to affect them.”
Nevarez said firefighters were working Monday to reduce the smoke, smoldering and flare-ups from the fire.
After a fire torched 800 acres of John C. and Mariana Jones/Hungryland Wildlife and Environmental Area off Pratt Whitney Road in the western county near Indiantown Thursday into Friday, flare-ups happened over the weekend, that Monday, were out. Florida Forest Service crews continue to monitor that area.
Firefighters were on the ground in Stuart Monday spraying hotspots with water to reduce smoldering from the Sunday fire. Martin County Fire Rescue and the Florida Forest Service were using hundreds of gallons of water.
Groves between the church and school acted as a firebreak to stop flames from spreading, Nevarez said.
“We’re very confident that this fire is going to stay contained,” Nevarez said.
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The county’s fire rescue crews are expected to monitor the area all week because of the expected high temperatures, gusty winds and dry conditions.
Fire personnel were aiming for the smoke to dissipate by Monday evening. Nevarez said fire officials were waiting to see how much smoke is still in the area before advising the school district on whether to reopen the high school.
“If the smoke continues to lessen and if the winds stay pretty small and if it’s not blowing into the school and the mop-up operations are going (well), then I think it’s going to be OK,” he said.

The district does not plan to close any other schools as wildfire smoke passes through south Martin County, said Jennifer DeShazo, a spokesperson for Martin County School District.
DeShazo said closing the school was the best course of action to protect students and staff based on consultation from fire officials.
Smoldering from the fire and the wind speed and direction played a role in the decision, DeShazo said.
The district continues to be in contact with fire officials and expects to reopen South Fork High School Tuesday, DeShazo said.