The Treasure Coast is home to a multitude of shopping centers and strip malls that serve as home to small and large businesses. For the most part, you know what to expect when you drive into the parking lot. But every now and then, a small business amazes you with a touch of interest, novelty and attention to detail.
That’s what happened when I entered Thspant Crepe Plspance.
Let’s start with the golden angel mannequin with the bright idea standing in the corner. You could say a lightbulb went off in her head — literally. Next is the table for two marked “reserved” and set up next to an antique sideboard filled with books and topped with brass buffet lamps. Across the room is a vintage gold velvet settee next to a brass elk with a large stainless bowl propped in his antlers.
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The walls are a deep, soothing lapis lazuli color. Simple metal chairs with padded seats and tables with fresh bowls of flowers sit under wide light fixtures. The artwork is as eclectic as the décor.
The menu hangs on the wall above the counter. One board lists coffee, breakfast, tea service and gelato. The other board identifies sweet and savory crepes. On the sweet side are tempting combinations such as Blueberry Bliss with blueberry, lemon curd and cream; and cheesecake with graham crackers, whipped cream and your choice of fruit.
The crepes are made fresh to order right at the counter. The same batter is used for both savory and sweet. After we chose our crepes, a woman came out from the kitchen and skillfully ladled batter onto the griddle, spread it, carefully flipped it and filled it with our chosen stuffings.
My lunchmate ordered The White Rabbit ($12) after the server assured us that no rabbits were harmed in the making of this dish. The crepe was filled with shredded white-meat chicken, Gouda cheese, spinach and a creamy white sauce that was folded, then topped with fried onions. The chicken was moist and the rich, nutty Gouda combined with the white sauce created a very flavorful crepe.

My crepe of choice was the Gimme a Chimi ($15). Shredded beef brisket, onions, Gouda, spinach and chimichurri sauce were wrapped in a warm crepe. I loved the flavors of chimichurri sauce with the beef. Chimichurri sauce is a red vinegar-based herb sauce with oregano, parsley and cilantro. I thought the slight sweetness of the crepe itself would distract from the savory brisket, but it added a dimension of essence to the dish. I do think the meat would have benefitted from a little more chimichurri sauce, either in the crepe or on the side.
One cannot visit a crepe restaurant without partaking in a dessert crepe. It’s nonnegotiable. We debated briefly and the vote was 2-0 in favor of the Down Under ($9), which was a very wise choice. Our warm crepe was filled with slices of banana, toasted walnuts, rum sauce, coconut and drizzled madly with caramel sauce. It was a delightful dessert crepe.
That Crepe Place is not your typical strip center restaurant. The décor is funky and fun. The crepes are creative, interesting and tasty.
If you would like to reserve the restaurant for a romantic dinner of crepes for two, the “reserved” table at the front is available. For $200, you will be served savory and sweet crepes, soft drinks and gelato for dessert.
If you’re stumped about what to order, I suggest you look to the angel at the front. Her suggestions can be lucid and illuminating.

That Crepe Place
- Cuisine: Sweet and savory crepes
- Address: 3003 S.W. Port St. Lucie Boulevard, Port St. Lucie
- Phone: 772-446-0786
- Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Sunday
- Alcohol: None
- Online:https://www.fspancebook.com/people/Thspant-Crepe-Plspance