FORT PIERCE — Two arrests have been made in connection with a Friday evening shooting that left a girl with non-life-threatening injuries, police said Saturday.
Fort Pierce police about 6:30 p.m. Friday went to the 1200 block of Avenue O west of U.S. 1 regarding shooting activity, spokesperson April Lee said Saturday.
“We located a juvenile who was injured by a gunshot wound,” Lee said.
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The girl, whose age was not released, was taken to St. Mary’s Medical Center in Palm Beach County, though the injuries were not considered life-threatening.
Lee said the girl was in a vehicle outside when another vehicle drove by, and at least one occupant fired. Other family members were outside on their way to get in the vehicle when the shooting occurred.
Police do not believe the girl was the intended target.
Lee said two people — an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old — were arrested, but details about charges were not disclosed.
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She did say investigators believe all the parties involved were apprehended.
Information about how police reported linking the 18-year-old and 15-year-old to the case was not immediately provided.