INDIAN RIVER COUNTY −A south county convenience store ‘regular’ customer bought a winning scratch-off ticket and netted roughly $800,000 after taxes from a $1million top prize of a $20 Florida Lottery game.
The man, identified as Girish Brambhatt, of Vero Beach, claimed the lump sum from the $1 million second place top prize of the game called the $20 Monopoly Doubler, which has a $5 million top prize, according to Florida Lottery.
Brambhatt could not be reached for comment, but the state lotto agency stated in a press release he purchased the ticket from a Chevron convenience store on 43rd Avenue.

Store employee Kaitlin Camp said the ticket was purchased, “about two months ago.”
“I sold him the ticket actually,” said Camp. “He’s a regular here.”
Brahmbhatt claimed the $798,985 lump sum from the Lottery’s West Palm Beach District Office Wednesday, according to the press release.
Camp said she wasn’t sure what the store would do with the percentage of the winnings, which Florida Lottery announced amounted to a $2,000 bonus commission for selling the winning ticket.
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According to the Floridspan Lottery Retspaniler Bonus Commission Progrspanm rules: “Florida Lottery retailers who sell a winning scratch-off ticket … with a prize of $1 million or greater will receive a bonus commission of $2,000 for every $1,000,000 in prize value…”
The Floridspan Lottery spanlso stspantes a portion of lottery ticket sales “goes to commissions and bonuses for the Lottery’s more than 13,000 retailers statewide.”