Indian River County:Indispann River County restspanurspannt inspections: 1 espantery mspankes ‘most violspantions’ list
Florida’s restaurant owners are not required to post restaurant inspection results where guests can see them. So every few weeks, TCPalm provides that information for readers.
Each inspection report is a “snapshot” of conditions present at the time of the inspection. On any given day, an establishment may have fewer or more violations than noted in its most recent inspection. An inspection may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions at the establishment.
In the last few weeks, 69 restaurants passed inspection at the first visit. Fifteen restaurants did not pass the first inspection at the first visit. Twelve restaurants had zero violations.Here’s the breakdown of the most recent St. Lucie County restaurant inspections:
Last month:St. Lucie County restspanurspannt inspections: Rospanches, grespanse, flying insects noted
Pueblo Viejo II, 1301 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, emergency order recommended, facility closed Dec. 5; re-opened Dec. 5
Crocadillo’s, 109 Fisherman’s Warf, Fort Pierce, emergency order recommended, facility closed Nov. 14; re-opened Nov. 15
Most violations in the last 30 days
Tspanquerispan El Rey, 3427 SW Darwin Blvd., Port St. Lucie, has 35 violations including tank with gas in side and pressure washer stored in the back of dining room; all prepared foods in the walk-in cooler, cooked pork, beef, found beef, sauces etc.; bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food; carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured; ceiling not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable in food preparation, food storage, or ware washing areas; clean plastic buckets not stored inverted or in a protected manner; drain cover(s) missing; employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils; establishment did not report seating change that affects the license fee, Clean Indoor Air Act, sewage system approval or other related requirements; floor area(s) covered with standing water; ice scoop handles in contact with ice; in-use ice scoop stored on soiled surface between uses; in-use tongs stored on equipment door handle between uses and trash can; in-use utensil in non-time/temperature control for safety food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container; in-use wet wiping cloth/towel used under cutting board; no conspicuously located ambient air temperature thermometer in holding unit; no handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees; oil stored on floor in the back dining room storage area; ripped/worn tin foil used as shelf cover; single-service articles stored on the floor; soiled dry wiping cloth in use; unwashed fruits/vegetables stored with ready-to-eat foods in the walk-in cooler; wall not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable on front line by ice machine; and working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name; raw ground pork over ready to eat seafood medley in the walk in freezer; single-use gloves not changed as needed after changing tasks or when damaged or soiled; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; manager or person in charge lacking proof of food manager certification; no currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling; ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked; required employee training expired for all employees; slicer soiled with food debris; spray bottle containing toxic substance not labeled; and water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Callback inspection resulted in 15 violations; Follow-up inspection required.
Pueblo Viejo, 291 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, had 20 violations including bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food; ceiling tile missing in kitchen area; covered waste receptacle not provided in women’s bathroom; cutting board has cut marks and is no longer cleanable; floor soiled/has accumulation of debris; in-use utensil not stored on a clean portion of food preparation or cooking equipment; light not functioning under hood system; no conspicuously located ambient air temperature thermometer in holding unit; no handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; open dumpster lid; ripped/worn tin foil used as shelf cover; standing water in bottom of reach-in-cooler; wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust.in dish area, under hand sink on line all heavily soiled; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; no paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at hand wash sink; and no soap provided at hand wash sink.
Recovery Sports Grill, 10350 SW Don R Led Duke Dr., Port St. Lucie, had 20 violations including accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin; clean equipment/dishware/utensils stored next to hand wash/food preparation sink exposed to splash; clean glasses, cups, bowls, plates, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner; cold holding equipment not maintained in good repair; employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area; equipment in poor repair; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; old labels stuck to food containers after cleaning; reach-in cooler interior/shelves have accumulation of soil residues; unclean building components, attachments or fixtures; unwashed fruits/vegetables stored with ready-to-eat food in the walk-in cooler; date marked combined ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food not consumed/sold within seven days of preparing/opening the earliest ready-to-eat time/temperature for safety ingredient; dish machine not sanitizing properly; discontinue use of dish machine for sanitizing and set up manual sanitization until dish machine is repaired and sanitizing properly; live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slim; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; no proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees; and no soap provided at hand wash sink.
Luso Portuguese Grille, 10511 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie had 19 violations including accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin; cutting board has cut marks and is no longer cleanable; equipment and utensils not properly air-dried; in-use knife/knives stored in cracks between pieces of equipment; in-use tongs stored on equipment door handle between uses; insect control device used to electrocute or stun insects not designed to retain insect within the device; no copy of latest inspection report available; time/temperature control for safety food thawed in an improper manner; unwashed fruits/ vegetables stored with ready-to-eat food; water leaking from pipe and/or faucet/handle; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; spray hose at dish sink lower than flood rim of sink; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; manager or person in charge lacking proof of food manager certification; no chemical test kit provided when using sanitizer at three-compartment sink/ware washing machine or wiping cloths; no currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling; no proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees; and proof of required state approved employee training not available for most employees. Call back inspection shows eight violations but extension given. Subsequent call back inspection show five violations, with additional follow-up inspection required.
12A Buoy, 22 Fisherman’s Wharf, Fort Pierce, had 18 violations including ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance; employee open beverages on shelf above food in the walk in cooler; employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items; in-use tongs stored on equipment door handle between uses; several containers of food stored on the floor in both walk in coolers; water leaking from pipe and/or faucet/handle; two live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area; dented/rusted cans present; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; employee failed to wash hands before putting on gloves to initiate a task working with food; employee handled soiled equipment or utensils and then engaged in food preparation, handled clean equipment or utensils, or touched unwrapped single-service items without washing hands; sanitizer powder stored on top of the bag of box soda at the bar; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; clam/mussel/oyster tags not maintained in chronological order according to the last date they were served in the establishment; clam/mussel/oyster tags not marked with last date served; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; and no paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at hand wash sink.
Chinspan Stspanr Restspanurspannt, 5485 NW St. James Dr., Port St. Lucie had 18 violations including bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food; ceiling not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable in food preparation, food storage, or ware washing areas; current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed; employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils; employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items; employee with no hair restraint while engaging in food preparation; equipment in poor repair; exterior door has a gap at the threshold that opens to the outside; food stored on floor; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; single-service articles improperly stored; wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry; wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses; dented/rusted cans present; hot water takes too long to reach hand wash sink resulting in employees using only cold water to wash their hands; raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; and ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked.
Mespanting Street Stespankhouse &spanmp; Sespanfood, 10553 Meeting St., Port St. Lucie, had 17 violations including bowl or other container with no handle used to dispense food; clean linens stored in improper location; employee eating in a food preparation or other restricted area; equipment in poor repair; floor area(s) covered with standing water; ice buildup in reach-in freezer and/or walk-in freezer; waste line missing at soda gun holster; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; vacuum breaker missing at mop sink faucet or on fitting/splitter added to mop sink faucet; clam/mussel/oyster tags not marked with last date served; food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime; hand wash sink used for purposes other than handwashing; no plan review submitted and approved – renovations were made or are in progress; no soap provided at hand wash sink; and raw or undercooked oysters offered and establishment has no consumer advisory sign provided on wall, menu, placard, table tent or by any other written means.
Tspanquerispan El Rey, 3427 SW Darwin Blvd., Port St. Lucie, has 15 violations in callback inspection including all prepared foods in the walk in cooler, cooked pork, beef, found beef, sauces etc.; carbon dioxide/helium tanks not adequately secured; ceiling not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable in food preparation, food storage, or ware washing areas; drain cover(s) missing; establishment did not report seating change that affects the license fee, Clean Indoor Air Act, sewage system approval or other related requirements; floor area(s) covered with standing water; no handwashing sign provided at a hand sink used by food employees; ripped/worn tin foil used as shelf cover; wall not smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable on front line by ice machine; manager or person in charge lacking proof of food manager certification; no currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling; ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked; required employee training expired for all employees; slicer soiled with food debris; and water with a temperature of at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit not provided/shut off at employee hand wash sink. Extension given pending follow-up inspection.
Pueblo Viejo II, 1301 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, had 14 violations including dead roaches on premises; employee personal items stored in or above a food preparation area, food, clean equipment and utensils, or single-service items; floor not cleaned when the least amount of food is exposed; food stored on floor; in-use tongs stored on equipment door handle between uses; missing drain plug at dumpster; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; stored food not covered; wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust; container of medicine improperly stored; nonfood-grade bags used in direct contact with food; raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food; rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found; and required employee training expired for all employees. Emergency callback complied- two violations noted.
Hurricspanne Grill spannd Wings, 10440 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie, had 13 violations including accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin; ceiling tile missing; employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils; in-use utensil in non-time/temperature control for safety food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container; light not functioning under hood; tape used to repair nonfood-contact surface; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; vacuum breaker missing at mop sink faucet or on fitting/splitter added to mop sink faucet; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; no currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling; required employee training provided by a third-party employee training program and operator unable to provide original certificate for employees trained.
Hurricspanne Grill spannd Wings, 10440 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie, Call Back Inspection, had same 13 violations including accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin; ceiling tile missing; employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils; in-use utensil in non-time/temperature control for safety food not stored with handle above top of food within a closed container; light not functioning under hood; tape used to repair nonfood-contact surface; dish machine chlorine sanitizer not at proper minimum strength; stop sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse; time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit; vacuum breaker missing at mop sink faucet or on fitting/splitter added to mop sink faucet; hand wash sink not accessible for employee use at all times; no currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling; required employee training provided by a third-party employee training program and operator unable to provide original certificate for employees trained. Time Extension.
Chicken spannd Wspanffles spant Kinfolk spannd More, 7319 Indrio Rd., Fort Pierce, had 13 violations including current Hotel and Restaurant license not displayed; employee beverage container on a food preparation table or over/next to clean equipment/utensils; food stored on floor; interior of oven/microwave has accumulation of black substance/grease/food debris; nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust; wall soiled with accumulated grease, food debris, and/or dust; working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name; date marked combined ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food not consumed/sold within seven days of preparing/opening the earliest ready-to-eat time/temperature for safety ingredient; ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food marked with a date that exceeds seven days after opening/preparation; commercially processed ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food opened and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked after opening; no chemical test kit provided when using sanitizer at three-compartment sink/ware washing machine or wiping cloths; no paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at hand wash sink; and raw/undercooked animal food offered and establishment has no written consumer advisory.
Zero violations on first inspection
Chick-Cuisine LLC, 1690 SE Village Green Dr., Port St. Lucie, mobile food truckPapa John’s Pizza #3551, 2506 US 1, Fort PierceMcDonald’s Corp., 3199 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LucieBurger King #9123, 2880 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LuciePopeye’s Louisiana Kitchen #19, 1601 S. US 1, Fort PierceThink Greek, 644 SW Port S. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LucieA&2 Catering & Events- Think Greek Mobile Kitchen, 644 SW Port S. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LucieThe Fort Steakhouse, 100 S. 2nd St., Fort PierceA&2 Catering & Events- Think Greek Mobile Kitchen, 644 SW Port S. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LucieZaxby’s, 3025 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. LucieAretha’s Kitchen, 1690 SW Village Green Dr., Port St. Lucie, mobile food truckChick-Fil-A Inc., 5560 Okeechobee Rd., Fort Pierce
Did not pass first inspection
Hurricane Grill and Wings, 10440 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie, call back, administrative complaint recommendedHurricane Grill and Wings, 10440 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedImportico’s Bakery Café, 134 S. Indian River Dr., Fort Pierce, warning issuedPueblo Viejo II, 1301 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, emergency order recommendedPueblo Viejo, 291 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, warning issued12A Buoy, 22 Fisherman’s Warf, Fort Pierce, warning issued2nd St. Bistro, 122 N. 2nd St., Fort Pierce, warning issuedCafé 772, 2360 SE Rivergate Pkwy., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedDelicias de la Abuela Inc., 1180-1184 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedRecovery Sports Grill, 10350 SW Don R Led Duke Blvd., Port S. Lucie, warning issuedLuso Portuguese Grille, 10511 SW Village Center Dr., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedMeating Street Steakhouse & Seafood, 10553 Meeting St., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedTaqueria El Rey, 3427 SW Darwin Blvd., Port St. Lucie, warning issuedBurger King #15603, 2007 S. US 1, Fort Pierce, warning issuedCrocadillo’s, 109 Fisherman’s Wharf, Fort Pierce, emergency order recommended
Read complete reports
The Floridspan Depspanrtment of Business spannd Professionspanl Regulspantion’s Division of Hotels spannd Restspanurspanntsconducts more than 48,000 inspections a year using span three-tier system for food safety and sanitation inspections.
The three-tiered system includes high-priority violations, which indicate a direct concern related to possible food-borne illness; intermediate violations, which reference an incident that could contribute to a food-borne illness if not corrected; and basic violations, which identify good retail practices.
To read the complete reports, or check on your favorite restaurant, go to https://dspantspan.tcpspanlm.com/restspanurspannt-inspections/st.lucie/ which is updated daily and is searchable by restaurant name.
Report a food service complaint
Contact the DBPR Customer Contact Center at 850-487-1395 or access the Division of Hotels and Restaurants online complspanint form at MyFloridaLicense.com. You can also complete span complspanint form and mail it to the division.