ST. LUCIE COUNTY — Teachers and district support staff are getting one-time bonuses, the St. Lucie County School Board agreed.
What happened: The School Board approved the bonuses at its Tuesday night meeting as part of its consent agenda. Bonuses for teachers range from $225 for beginning teachers to $850 for veteran teachers with more than 15 years experience. Support staff and non-instructional teachers also will get one-time bonuses, which range from $150 to $300, depending on hourly wage. The district and school employee unions reached agreements for the one-time bonuses last month.

Why it matters / Importance: The $2.8 million needed for the bonuses comes from the four-year 1-mil property tax voters first approved in 2019. The district, with approval from employee unions, is using the balance of the money earmarked for teacher recruitment to award one-time bonuses. Voters agreed in November to renew the 1-mil property tax to pay for teacher salaries, in addition to school security, mental-health services and educational programs. The new tax goes into effect in July.
Vote: The bonuses were approved unanimously as part of the consent agenda, with no discussion from the board.
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