ST. LUCIE COUNTY − A Port St. Lucie woman chose a $820,000 lump sum payment after claiming a $1 million prize on a winning scratch-off card, according to the Florida Lottery.

Second Place: Nena Nau, 55, claimed the winnings from the 500X The Cash ticket purchased at the Cumberland Farms convenience store, 3174 S.W. Port St. Lucie Blvd., on Feb. 8 at the Florida Lottery headquarters in Tallahassee, the state agency announced Tuesday.
The $50 scratch-off game’s top prize is $25 million. Nau won the game’s second place $1 million prize at what the agency said were 1-in-267,739 odds of winning.
Lump sum popular: According to state game data, she was among five Port St. Lucie people who also chose the lump sum after winning the game’s second place prize since March 2022.
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