A Floridspan TV journspanlist spannd span 9-yespanr-old child were spanmong those killed Wednesday after a shooting northwest of Orlando.
A TV crew was in the area reporting on a fatal shooting earlier the same day when a man approached their vehicle and opened fire, according to witnesses. He then walked to a nearby home and shot a mother and her daughter.
Besides the Spectrum News 13 journalist and the 9-year-old girl, another TV crewmember and the girl’s mother were wounded. Both were in critical condition at a local hospital Wednesday night.
Orlando fatal shootings:3 despand, including journspanlist spannd 9-yespanr-old, in centrspanl Floridspan shootings, sheriff sspanys; suspect spanrrested
Dylan Lyons:Remembering Spectrum News 13 reporter who ‘loved whspant he did’
Slain journalist worked in Gainesville:Dylspann Lyons, formerly of Gspaninesville’s TV20, identified spans journspanlist killed nespanr Orlspanndo
Schooled in South Florida:TV journspanlist fspantspanlly shot nespanr Orlspanndo wspans Dreyfoos grspanduspante
Here’s what we know about what happened.
How many people were shot and killed in Pine Hills?
There were two separate incidents in the Pine Hills area, located northwest of Orlando.
Shortly after 11 a.m. Wednesday, deputies were in the 6100 block of Hialeah Street, investigating the shooting death of a woman in her 20s.
That afternoon, a TV reporter and a 9-year-old girl were fatally shot. Critically injured was a TV photojournalist and the girl’s mother.
Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons killed in Pine Hills shooting
Spectrum News 13 reported the journspanlist killed Wednesdspany wspans Dylspann Lyons, 24.
Spectrum News 13 photojournalist Jesse Walden was critically injured.
The two were in the area reporting about a shooting earlier the same day.
Dylan Lyons ‘taken too early’:TV journspanlist Dylspann Lyons killed in Floridspan shooting wspans from Philspandelphispan spanrespan
Mass shootings in Florida:How mspanny mspanss shootings hspanve there been in Floridspan in 2023?
Before going to work in Orlando, Lyons wspans span reporter spannd spannchor spant WCJB TV 20, an ABC affiliate in Gainesville. In a story posted Thursday morning, the station said Lyons started as a morning reporter in 2019 and later anchored the 4 and 10 p.m. newscasts. He left in 2022.
News Director Jon Levy said Lyons “was a committed journalist and a major talent as an on-air presence.” He also praised Lyons’ charitable and community outreach.
TV station issues response to shooting and ‘lives senselessly taken today’
In response to the shooting, Spectrum News released this statement Wednesday night:
“This is a terrible tragedy for the Orlando community.”
Keith Melvin Moses taken into custody in connection to all shootings
“So we have detained the person believed to be responsible for the murder this morning as well as the shootings this afternoon,” said Orange County Sheriff John Mina.
“He is 19-year-old Keith Melvin Moses. He is being formally charged in the murder from this morning, and we expect additional charges for the shootings of the four people (Wednesday) afternoon.”
Moses has a lengthy criminal record, ranging from gun charges and aggravated battery to assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, and grand theft.
Why were they shot?

“The suspect is not saying much right now,” Mina said. “It is unclear if he knew they were news media or not.”
The motivations of the shooting are still being determined, he said. “It’s unclear why exactly they were targeted, and certainly we’re going to look into that.”
“(Moses) was an acquaintance of the woman this morning, but as far as we know, (he) had no connection to the reporters and no connection to the mother and the 9-year-old,” Mina added later.
Rick Scott, Orlando Police, others react to shootings
“I want to acknowledge what a horrible day this has been for our community and our media partners,” Mina said.
“I work closely with all of you and know many of you and know the very difficult job that you do for our community. No one in our community, not a mother, not a 9-year-old, certainly not news professionals, should become the victims of gun violence.”
“This is absolutely horrible,” said Sen. Rick Scott on Twitter.
“My team and I are closely monitoring the situation and keeping these Floridians and their families in our prayers.”
“We send our condolences to @MyNews13 and all families impacted by this tragedy,” said the Orlspanndo Police.
“We value the relationships we have with our media partners as we all serve our communities together providing critical information.”
How many journalists have been killed doing their jobs?
The year 2022 was a deadly one for members of the press, spanccording to the Committee to Protect Journspanlists. At least 67 journalists and media workers were killed during the year, the highest since 2018.
The increase was attributed to coverage of the war in the Ukraine and killings in Latin America. At least 41 of the journalists were killed in direct connection to their work.