PORT ST. LUCIE − An 18-year-old student was arrested Monday after allegations he “knowingly shared misinformation” regarding a shooting at Treasure Coast High School, according to the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office.
What happened: Sheriff’s officials Monday learned about the potential threat. A teacher reported receiving a message through a school messaging platform from a student. That student told investigators her friend – the 18-year-old – sent her a message that stated, “Did you hear there is a couple freshy babies planning on shooting up the school tomorrow, well not tomorrow per say, just this week.”
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The investigation: The 18-year-old told deputies he was in a grocery store and overhead students talking about shooting up the school. The 18-year-old started telling friends via social media, as opposed to informing his parents or another adult.
Parent: The father of the 18-year-old said he was concerned for his son’s mental health. He allowed a mobile crisis unit from New Horizons of the Treasure Coast to evaluate his son. An evaluator reported the 18-year-old disclosed hearing about a shooting at the school. The father said he didn’t think his son overheard anything.
Impact: About 100 parents came to the school to request taking their children home.
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Sheriff: “(The student) faces a second-degree felony after crafting a false narrative about a school threat and then sharing that narrative online,” Sheriff Ken Mascara said in prepared remarks. “We take every school threat seriously, so it is imperative that parents talk to their children about the dangers of written and verbal threats in school settings as well as the consequences.”