Home Local Stories House General Election races on Treasure Coast 2022: Candidates reply to questionnaires

House General Election races on Treasure Coast 2022: Candidates reply to questionnaires

House General Election races on Treasure Coast 2022: Candidates reply to questionnaires

In May we began to ask candidates to fill out questionnaires to help you understand your choices on the ballot. 

The following candidate responses were not edited.

Our editorial board planned to interview candidates in July for certain races. The editorial board planned to consider making recommendations in those races.


The lspantest election news from TCPspanlm: TCPspanlm.com/elections

TCPspanlm’s full list of cspanndidspantes running for office this fspanll

Indispann River County Supervisor of Elections website

St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections website

Mspanrtin County Supervisor of Elections website

Floridspan Division of Elections website

More:Indispann River County Elections 2022: Cspanndidspantes reply to questionnspanires

More:St. Lucie County Election 2022: Cspanndidspantes reply to questionnspanires

More:Mspanrtin County Election 2022: Cspanndidspantes reply to questionnspanires

Florida House District 34

Video: 2022 Editorispanl Bospanrd interview (generspanl election)

2022 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion (GOP primary)

Video: 2022 Editorispanl Bospanrd interview (GOP Primary)

2018 TCPspanlm editorispanl bospanrd recommendspantion

2016 TCPspanlm editorispanl bospanrd recommendspantion

Robert Brackett, Vero Beach

Robbie Brackett

Age: 59

Political party: Republican

Educational background:

BS Lipscomb University

Current occupation and work history:

Managing Partner, Edge Information Management

Partner, Brackett Family Ltd Partnership

Former Managing Partner, Credit Data Services

Volunteer and civic engagement:

Indian River Charter High School – Board of Directors

Brackett Family Foundation – Chair

Lipscomb University – Board of Trustees

Professional Services Advisory Committee, Indian River County – Former Member

FHSAA, Past President of TCOA/ High School Official

Assistant Football Coach – Masters Academy

Why are you running for office? 

As a businessman, City Councilman, and Mayor of Vero Beach, I’ve had the opportunity to see how badly government can mess things up. I am running for State Representative so that I can help constrain state government and allow the free market to continue our state on a path to rising prosperity for everyone.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

To reduce the cost of living to Floridians by tackling property insurance reform and property tax reform.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race? 

Over 35 years of local experience! I have spent my life working and serving in the district I will represent, As a businessman I have seen the ups and downs in Florida’s economy. I have signed the front of a paycheck and I understand firsthand what it means for inflation and gas prices to be hitting working families and our retirees. Serving on city council and as Mayor of Vero Beach, I understand the complexities of government but also know that it is imperative that our state government work every day as a public servant for the people, not a top-down driven ivory tower organization.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain:


Link to campaign website or social media page:


Karen Greb, Sebastian

Karen Greb

Age: 64

Political party: Democrat

Educational background:

University of Virginia – B.S. in Business/Finance

Current occupation and work history:

I worked in the financial services industry in California for 25 years, primarily in the multi-family affordable housing sector underwriting large conventional and bond financed apartment projects.

Since retiring to Stuart, Florida in 2015, I have been a citizen lobbyist on behalf of humane animal and environmental issues, both on Capitol Hill as well as Tallahassee.

In 2018, I was part of a core group that was responsible for the successful passage of Amendment 13 which closed down the 90 year old greyhound dog racing industry in Florida. I learned a great deal about Florida politics throughout this process and found I had a passion for it as it can be a powerful vehicle for positive change.

My advocacy scope over time has evolved and I feel our most important priorities are shoring up Democracy, saving our Planet and seriously addressing the money in our political system.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

I am currently a board member of the non-partisan Indian River Neighborhood Association (IRNA) which advocates on behalf of the environment and other quality of life issues in Indian River County. I covered the Environmental component of the 2022 Florida Legislative Session for the IRNA making recommendations for advocacy with local legislators and the Governor. I am also a member of the Water & Lagoon Committee.

Member of the League of Women Voters of the Space Coast – Natural Resources Committee.

Member of the Indian River County Democratic Women’s Club and its Legislative and Environmental Committees.

Why are you running for office?

I see this as a time of great opportunity for strengthening our Democracy and healing our Planet as well as the beautifully unique Indian River Lagoon. I know in my heart that we can absolutely heal the Indian River Lagoon which not only drives our local economy but is the bedrock of our quality of life.

Having been a registered Republican for most of my adult life, I look forward to getting to know and working with those in all sectors of the political spectrum because I know, that when I talk to members of our community, the great majority of us want the same things in life.

I am drawn to politics for the collaborative power it has in creating opportunities for lifting up humanity and the Planet. I am very grateful to have this opportunity.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

Learning as much as possible about how I can advocate as a legislator on behalf of my constituents will be a priority along with establishing communication channels with the community.

I’d like to be assigned to the Environment, Agriculture and Flooding Sub-Committee, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Appropriations Sub-Committee and the Public Integrity and Elections Committee.

I will advocate on behalf of implementing the remaining recommendations made by the Blue Green Algae Task Force appointed by the Governor for combatting pollution in the Indian River Lagoon as well as other environmental priorities.

The one and only responsibility that legislators are required to complete is to pass a State budget. I will look forward to this as an opportunity to learn about and engage in all facets of State government.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race? 

Not accepting campaign contributions nor seeking endorsements from special interest groups or Political Action Committees is a high priority for me in attempting to be the change I’d like to see in our elections systems on all levels. I believe that governing on behalf of our constituents rather than special interests will strengthen our Democracy as well as assist in the healing of our Planet.

I see opportunities for improvement in nearly everything I engage with including the process for becoming eligible to be a candidate, campaign finance reform and restructuring State government.

I try and make the environment a priority in every decision I make both personally and professionally. With the population growth in our District and state-wide, I am committed to learning more about low impact development.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain:

I have never filed for bankruptcy protection personally or professionally.

Link to campaign website or social media page:


Florida House District 84

Video: Editorispanl Bospanrd interview

2020 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion

2018 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion

2018 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion (Democrat)

2018 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion (Republican)

Forest Blanton

Forest Blanton

Age: 69

City of residence: Fort Pierce

Political party: Democrat

Educational background:

BS Math Sciences, MS Operations Research, Stanford University

Current occupation and work history:

I retired in 2018. Prior to that I worked for 35 years at the Memorial Healthcare System in South Broward County. I served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for the system. My responsibilities included the selection, implementation, and maintenance of IT/clinical systems and hardware, medical equipment, and medical records. Memorial is the 5th or 6th largest public healthcare system in the country. In 2018 my annual operating budget was approximately $60M with an annual capital budget of over $20M.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

My volunteer career began in the 1980’s as a member of the Environmental Coalition of Broward County. I became the leader of a coalition of homeowners groups that sued Broward County over the siting of a new landfill in western Broward County, adjacent to the Everglades. Subsequently, I was appointed to the Broward County Zoning Board, which I served on for 12 years, primarily as chair. In 2000 the Town of Southwest Ranches was incorporated and I was elected and served for two terms as a councilman. In 2018 I ran for the Democratic nomination for House District 84, but was defeated by Delores Johnson.

Currently I am Commodore of the Fort Pierce Yacht Club, Treasurer of the Fort Pierce Yacht Club Foundation, and Vice-Chair of the Treasure Coast Youth Sailing Foundation. I also volunteer for environmental/water quality projects for both the Florida Marine Institute and the Marine Resources Council.

Why are you running for office?

I am not happy with the direction that Florida is taking under the leadership of Florida Republicans and Governor DeSantis.

I want to live in a Florida that recognizes and respects all of our citizens. I want to protect and enhance our civil liberties, especially a women’s’ right to choose. I want to encourage all citizens to vote and I want to protect our voting rights and make it easier to vote. I want to deal seriously with climate change and with the severe water quality and environmental issues that Florida faces. I want to protect the integrity and funding of public schools as well as the ability of locally elected leaders to manage our schools.

I want to support integrity, honesty, and bipartisanship.

I want to make a difference.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

My top several priorities include:

1) I will protect the rights of women to make their own choices regarding pregnancy and reject the imposition of special interest and religious minorities’ opinions on Floridians.

2) I will protect and expand the right to vote freely and without intimidation. I will fight for fair voting districts. I will push to open our partisan primaries to allow independent and non-party affiliated voters to also participate in primary voting.

3) I will push aggressively to protect and restore our natural areas and water resources. I will push to adopt the recommendations of the Blue-Green Task force. I will work against the stranglehold that Big Sugar has on our legislative process. I will push for more funding for Septic conversions, storm water management, and also for stronger enforcement of guidelines for agriculture. I will aggressively support the conversion to renewable energy sources to mitigate climate change.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race?

There are several characteristics that distinguish me from my opponent.

First, I am an independent thinker. I evaluate and analyze every situation on its own merits. I do not just vote the party line. I want to do what is best for the citizens of District 84 and the state. My opponent, by contrast, votes exactly as her Republican leadership instructs. She does not represent the citizens of District 84 but instead supports 100% the radical agenda of the current Republican leadership

Second, our values are different. I respect civil liberties and the value of every person’s opinion. I support the right of every person to make their own decisions about reproduction and sexual orientation. I support voting rights. I am passionate about water quality. I reject the imposition of minority and religious conservative viewpoints on all Floridians.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: no

Link to campaign website or social media page: http://www.blspannton.org

Dana Trabulsy

Dana Trabulsy

Age: 58

City of residence: Fort Pierce

Political party: Republican

Educational background:

Currently enrolled at Indian River State College

Current occupation and work history:

Current: State Representative District 84 and Co-Owner of the Treasure Coast Business Summit.

Work History: Owner of All Things Treasure Coast, an award-winning digital media and marketing company. Director of Marketing and Public Relations for Covelli Enterprises, a franchisee of Panera Bread.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

Below is a just a small example of my volunteer and civic engagement. With my former business, All Things Treasure Coast, part of my platform was highlighting and volunteering for non-profit events, including celebrating a charity of the week.

United Way of St. Lucie County, Women United Chair

Place of Hope Advisory Board

Vice, President, Port St. Lucie Businesswomen

211 Board of Directors

Florida Public Relations Association Board of Directors

St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce

Treasure Coast Builders Association

– Former Treasure Coast Builders Association volunteer of the year.

Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build Chair

-Women’s Build Team Captain 2019-2020-2021-2022

2019 Honor Flight Volunteer

CASTLE Board of Directors 2014-2017

Association of Fundraising Professionals

Outstanding Individual Philanthropist of the Year 2019

Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County

United Way of St. Lucie County Trustee

Winner of Family Meals Celebrity Bartender event

The Royal Palms

Why are you running for office?

In both my public and professional lives, I have been a positive, decisive, innovative leader who understands the importance of cooperation and teamwork to achieve goals. Florida has so many dynamic issues and opportunities in front of us. With my business background, coupled with my extensive involvement in our community and proven track record, I have the tools in my toolbox to continue making a difference with achievable results.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

There is no one TOP priority when you are in public office. It is not a singularly focused position. In the district, every constituent case is a priority. At the State level, every bill brought before me is someone’s priority, and it’s my job to be respectful of that. Economic and sustainable growth is a priority. Protecting our waterways and environment is a priority. Third grade reading scores are a priority. Protecting our agriculture is a priority. The list goes on.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race?

I have had two successful years in the Florida House. I have not only personally passed meaningful legislation, but I have also worked to bring home more funding to our community than any other State Representative that has ever held this position.

I have lived, worked, raised my family, and volunteered my time in St. Lucie County for over 30 years. I am in tune with the entire community and have worked hard for decades to make an impactful difference.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: No

Link to campaign website or social media page: https://www.dspannspantrspanbulsy.com/

Florida House District 85

Video: Editorispanl Bospanrd interview

2018 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion

2018 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion (Republican primary)

Toby Overdorf

Toby Overdorf

Age: 53

City of residence: Palm City

Political party: Republican

Educational background:

MS Biology, MBA – both from FAU

Current occupation and work history:

Currently employed as a Vice President with Engineering Design & Construction in Port St. Lucie. I have been employed as a private consultant on the Treasure Coast since 1995.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking, Statewide Human Trafficking Board, DSO (House Appointee)

Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, 2013 & 2015 Gubernatorial Appointee (Term Complete)

Florida Regional Councils Association – Board Member (Term Complete)

Florida Small Business Regulatory Advisory Board, FL Senate Appointee (Term Complete)

Florida Leadership, Board of Directors (former), Class 26

Florida Atlantic University Advisory Board (former)

National Small Business Association (NSBA)

Martin County Metropolitan Planning Organization – Past CAC Chairman

Palm City Chamber of Commerce – Past President and current Ex-Officio

Martin County Economic Council – Executive Board (former)

St. Lucie Economic Development Council

Why are you running for office?

To serve the residents of District 85 and the Treasure Coast. I realize this sounds like a bland, general or a “political” answer, but it is true. I take meetings and run legislation for my constituents whether they agree with my political, fiscal and social views or not. If an individual contacts our office and needs state services, we do our best to serve them. Whether it is unemployment, a liquor license, state compliance issues, schooling questions, travel, or storm preparation and recovery, we pride ourselves to deliver constituent services. The other reason is to produce legislation that will help the future natural environment and the economic environment of Florida.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

If elected, there are three main areas I hope to focus; human trafficking, environmental legislation, and expansion of the aerospace industry. However, as the question was the “top priority” my answer is water/wastewater infrastructure and creating a 20 year infrastructure plan to address the growing needs of water, sewer, and stormwater drainage within our municipalities. The plan would create an orderly way for the establishment of new water and sewer infrastructure and remove septic tanks from most areas across the state. It would involve significant funding, long term planning, and inter-municipality coordination in much the same way MPO’s currently operate for traffic needs.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race?

I have a long history of service in and for the region I wish to represent. The service is not just legislative but volunteer as well. I know the agencies, the municipalities, and the people that reside here and I believe that allows me to better represent their needs.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: no

Link to campaign website or social media page: http://www.TobyOverdorf.com

Curtis Tucker

Curtis Tucker

Age: 73

City of residence: Port Saint Lucie

Political party: Democratic

Educational background:

Graduate of Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics

Current occupation and work history:


– Cashier and customer service associate at Publix and an Uber and Lyft driver


– Deputy Director of Budget Studies, NYS Assembly Ways and Means Committee (10 years);

– Director of State Government Relations, NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal (20 years);

– Legislative Representative, NYS Association for Affordable Housing (3 Years)

Volunteer and civic engagement:

– President, Adirondack Bluefins Swim Team;

– Coach, Latham Lassies Softball Team;

– Thanksgiving meal deliveries for meals on wheels program:

– Volunteer at St. Anne’s Homeless Outreach Center;

– Volunteer for homeless meal preparation at St. Edward’s Church;

– Volunteer at food pantry for Mustard Seeds Ministries; and

– Fundraising through Publix for various charities including United Way, Special Olympics, Tools for Schools, Children’s Miracle Network and local food banks.

Why are you running for office?

I am running for office to provide the people of State House District 85 with a different voice in Tallahassee, someone who as a cashier and Uber and Lyft driver sees and hears firsthand how too many people in my community, especially seniors on fixed income, struggle to pay for their groceries, preions, rent or mortgage and homeowner’s insurance.

I see the Tallahassee administration and my opponent letting the affordable housing crisis spiral out of control without offering any proposals to address skyrocketing rents, lack of homeownership opportunities and unaffordable homeowners insurance.

I see them offering no solutions to the serious shortage of qualified and underpaid teachers in Florida.

I see them refusing to support Medicaid Expansion which would have provided health care coverage to nearly 2 million more Floridians as well as adding an additional $5.6 billion in federal money to Florida in 2022.

I see them choosing to eliminate a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.

I see them choosing to support FP&L rather than to encourage solar power, Big Sugar’s outdated sugar cane burning instead of the health of local residents, developers instead of protecting essential seagrass for threatened manatees and cruise ship lines instead of local governments trying to save our coral reefs.

My pledge to the people in State House District 85 is to work for you, not special interests, and to use my over 30 years of legislative experience to develop real solutions to the everyday challenges we all face.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

The decision to eliminate the right of women to control their own health care choices overturned more than fifty years of established privacy rights. I would support the immediate issuance of an executive order restoring this right and, absent this action, oppose any efforts to further restrict their reproductive rights.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race?

Unlike my opponent, I am committed to being a State House Representative who:

– Understands that local officials know their communities best;

– Values our scientific community and will listen to the experts when it comes to health care and climate change;

– Supports public education and believes our teachers should be paid much more;

– Protects reproductive freedom;

– Expands and protects the right to vote;

– Defends LGBTQ+ rights; and

– Supports common sense gun laws and an assault weapons ban.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: No

Link to campaign website or social media page: http://curtisjtucker.com

Florida House District 86

Video: Editorispanl Bospanrd interview

2020 Editorispanl Bospanrd recommendspantion

Ray Denzel

Ray Denzel

Age: 69

City of residence: Stuart

Political party: Democrat

Educational background:

Some college

Current occupation and work history:

I currently work at Home Depot as a sales associate in plumbing. I have worked in sales/management almost my whole life, the job entails helping people. A very rewarding career experience.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

I volunteer my expertise in a more private way, helping people and neighbors or relatives with all sorts of problems. For my children I have always been Dad on speed dial. My skills have been developed over decades of doing and sharing. I am always looking to solve problems.

Why are you running for office?

I saw the need to give the people of Martin, Stuart and Florida a choice, someone who cares. I live here with my family and grandchildren and I worry about the now and the future that will be left to them. I belong to the Democratic party but I don’t toe the party line. I am capable of being analytical, trusting the scientific world which is constantly challenging its self. I look at this as a caretaker position looking out for the people the best that I can. Perfection is unattainable but putting out effort is. Public service equals Public trust.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain:

I would make woman’s rights to choose number one. The change in rules and restrictions are archaic plus don’t allow for rape or incest. Look up the 10 year old girl in the headlines. The Supreme Court was very wrong again.

What distinguishes you from your opponents in this race?

This is easy. From what I could find, I am against everything he is for. . He is against woman’s rights, , LGBTQ rights, the right to vote, open carry weapons in church, charter schools paid for with taxpayers money. The list goes on. If you agree with him please don’t vote for me.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: No I have not filed for bankruptcy.

Link to campaign website or social media page: http://Rspanydenzel.org

John Snyder

John Snyder

Age: 35

City of residence: Stuart

Political party: Republican

Educational background:

B.S., Marketing

Current occupation and work history:

Since 2015, I have owned and operated Employment Simplified, Inc which offers recruiting and payroll services to clients throughout Florida and the United States.

Volunteer and civic engagement:

Republican Executive Committee – Member

Place of Hope – Leadership advisory council

Treasure Coast Classical Academy – Leadership Team

Why are you running for office?

Serving the community where I was born and raised for the last 2 years has been an incredible privilege. I am running for re-election so I can continue working to bring funding dollars back to the district while we work to address the issues facing our State.

What would be your top priority during your first year in office? Explain.

In spite of recent legislative efforts, there is still much work to be done to address the rising costs of property insurance and will be one of primary focuses if re-elected. We are also starting to gain strong momentum in the K-12 arena and I will continue working to expand school choice, increasing teacher and support staff salaries, and curriculum accountability and transparency.

What distinguishes you from your opponent in this race?

I am the only candidate in this that was born and raised here and has a record of service – both in the Marine Corps and in the Florida House. While not everyone agrees with all of my political viewpoints, no one has to guess where I stand on key issues. But when it comes to serving the constituents of this district, political affiliation goes out the window and I have a team that knows how to deliver for the Treasure Coast regardless of the letter on their voter registration card.

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? If yes, please explain: No

Link to campaign website or social media page: http://electjohnsnyder.com


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