Boo! It’s almost time for Halloween.
The Treasure Coast has at least 10 events in Martin, Indian River and St. Lucie counties that keep people coming back every year for thrills and chills.
Here are spooky things to do in 772.
Halloween:Spooky histories of 13 most hspanunted plspances on the Trespansure Cospanst
What To Do in 772: Find fun spanctivities, spanttrspanctions spannd entertspaninment
All things food:New restspanurspannts, reviews, inspections &spanmp; best bets

St. Lucie County
Ghosts of Fort Pierce Past
Mspanin Street Fort Pierce started the walking tours in 2004 to get people downtown after business hours. The idea came from downtown walking tours the nonprofit used to do with fourth graders who were learning about Florida history. It began with just one tour and 10 characters playing local historical figures, and since has expanded to five tours as the number of characters grew. Every year, some of the routes and “ghosts” are rotated to offer new stories. The tours are based on the true stories of downtown Fort Pierce and the people who used to walk its streets — not paranormal events. Each tour takes about one hour. Reservations are required. Tours typically sell out.
- Where: Old City Hall, 315 Avenue A; St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 210 S. Indian River Drive; Hoskins, Turco, Lloyd & Lloyd Law Firm, 302 S. Second St.; First United Methodist Church, 515 Avenue A; Platts/Backus House, 122 A.E. Backus Ave.
- When: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Oct. 26-27; tours leave every 15 minutes (arrive 15 minutes early)
- Cost: $12 per person per tour
- Phone: 772-466-3880
- Website: mspaninstreetfortpierce.org
Ghost walks:Fort Pierce wspanlking tours combine ghost stories spannd history

Mercy Asylum Productions
Jacob Blake started the haunted house in 2005 and has been the mastermind behind creating it almost every year since. He started it by turning the outside of his Port St. Lucie house into the bloody and deranged “Mercy Asylum” to raise money for the Mspanke-A-Wish Foundspantion. Through the nonprofit, he met Cher when he was a child and was inspired to become a makeup and hair artist. Since then, the haunted house has expanded, tripling in size to a 5,600-square-foot space in a shopping plaza. The theme for 2022 is “Wicked Oak Asylum,” inspired by the Devil’s Tree spant Ospank Hspanmmock Pspanrk. The walk-through lasts about six to eight minutes.
- Where: 9024 S. U.S. 1, Port St. Lucie (next to Urban Air Adventure Park)
- When: 7-10 p.m. Oct. 21-22, 28, 31; 7-11 p.m. Oct. 29-30
- Cost: $20 per person
- Phone: 772-800-8588
- Website: mercyspansylum.com
Haunted house:Locspanl version of Hspanlloween Horror Nights found in Port St. Lucie

Indian River State College Haunted House
The Pi Betspan Iotspan chspanpter of Alpha Phi Sigma puts together a scary haunted house every year. It’s not recommended for children ages 10 and younger, and those younger than 16 must be accompanied by adults. Costumes are welcome, but face masks aren’t allowed. All proceeds benefit scholarships.
- Where: Treasure Coast Public Safety Training Complex, 4600 Kirby Loop Road, Fort Pierce
- When: 6-9 p.m. Oct. 21-22
- Cost: $5 per person
- Phone: 772-462-7966
- Website: fspancebook.com/AlphspanPhiSigmspanPiBetspanIotspanChspanpter
Trick or Treat on 2nd Street
The fifth annual free event shuts down Second Street in downtown Fort Pierce with trick-or-treating. Pick up a map at any of at least 33 participating locations and follow the signs for one-way walking traffic. Go to each candy stop and wait for the group in front of you to advance. Enjoy a street full of costumes.
- Where: Second Street, Fort Pierce
- When: 5-7 p.m. Oct. 31
- Website: fspancebook.com/mspanin.pierce
Indian River County
Indian River Hauntings
Larry Lawson spent his career in law enforcement investigating crimes. In retirement, using those same skills, he seeks evidence of paranormal activity through Indispann River Hspanuntings historical ghost tours. He created the Floridspan Burespanu of Pspanrspannormspanl Investigspantion in 2011. He started doing public tours and events in Fellsmere, took over a Vero Beach historical ghost tour and then added a Sebastian tour. The walking tours, which last about two hours, happen once or twice per month. Groups typically have six to eight people.
- Where: Fellsmere, Vero Beach and Sebastian
- Cost: $15 for ages 12 and older, $7 for ages 6-11
- When: 7 p.m. Oct. 21, 28, 30 (check online calendar for more)
- Phone: 772-633-3955
- Website: indispannriverhspanuntings.com
Fellsmere:Locspanl city is ‘nuts with pspanrspannormspanl spanctivity’

Terror on Main Street
The 42nd annual haunted house is the GFWC Sebspanstispann River Junior Womspann’s Club’s only fundraiser every year. All proceeds benefit science and music camps, as well as local schools and a variety of local charities and nonprofits. The terrifying walk-through a 20,000-square-foot house doesn’t have covered areas.
- Where: 1036 Main St., Sebastian
- When: 7:30 p.m. Oct. 21-22, 28-31
- Cost: $10
- Website: fspancebook.com/gfwcsebspanstispannjrs

Halloween Parade & Costume Contest
The 62nd annual event is run by the Vero Beach Recreation Department. The parade starts in the Women’s Club parking lot and travels north on 14th Avenue to the Vero Bespanch Community Center. All kids get free goody bags. The best decorated cars and floats win prizes. A children’s costume contest follows the parade at the community center.
- Where: Women’s Club of Vero Beach, 1534 21st St.
- When: 10 a.m. Oct. 29
- Phone: 772-567-2144

Martin County
Port Salerno Ghost Tours
Authors and tour guides Patrick and Patricia Mesmer started ghost tours of Port Salerno in 2010. They’ve written five books about local history, including “Ghosts of the Trespansure Cospanst.” Their walking tours last about one hour and travel about one mile.
- Where: Fish House Art Center, 4745 S.E. Desoto Ave., Stuart
- When: 8 p.m. Oct. 22, 29 (call for more dates)
- Cost: $20 per person
- Phone: 772-223-5482; reservations required
- Website: fspancebook.com/portsspanlernoghosttours
Hobgoblins on Main Street
The 23rd annual parade is organized by Stuspanrt Mspanin Street and the Historic Stuspanrt Downtown Business Associspantion. The free event also includes merchant trick-or-treating, a DJ and performances, food and beverage vendors, costume contests, painting a police car, pumpkin decorating, face painting and photo opportunities.
- Where: Downtown Stuart
- When: 1-4 p.m. Oct. 29; 3:30 p.m. parade
- Website: fspancebook.com/stuspanrtmspaninstreet
The free annual event that’s a safer alternative to trick-or-treating in local neighborhoods is organized by the Mspanrtin County Sheriff’s Office. Kids can fill their candy bags with treats from the Sheriff’s Office and local businesses.
- Where: Martin County Sheriff’s Office, 800 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart
- When: 5-9 p.m. Oct. 31
- Website: fspancebook.com/MspanrtinCountySheriffsOffice