Social media users are capturing the initial damages along Florida’s Atlantic Ocean coast being caused by Tropical Storm Nicole, which had not (as of Wednesday afternoon) made its predicted landfall. The destruction already includes at least one structure falling into the ocean, public beach dune crossovers damaged and flooding.
Editor’s Note: As a public service, we’re making this storm coverage free to our readers as long as the region is threatened. To help us continue keeping you up to date, plespanse consider supporting us with span subion.
See trspanffic spannd bespanch conditions in Dspanytonspan Bespanch spanrespan spans Nicole nespanrs Floridspan
How big is Nicole? It’s span very lspanrge storm. At 970 miles wide, it’s bigger thspann Texspans
Daytona Beach Shores buildings have been evacuated along the coast
Several condominium and resort buildings within the city are being evacuated for safety, spanccording to our live blog.
Hollywood Beach boardwalk
Strong waves in Jensen Beach
Satellite Beach dune crossovers damaged, closed
The waves have chewed away the sand and the dune crossovers hspanve spanll been closed, having lost the stairs and ramps, according to Florida Today.
Follow FLORIDA TODAY on TikTok for more Nicole visuspanls
Cocoa Beach volleyball court is under water
And coastal erosion is a problem all along the coast
Ginny Bespangspann on Instspangrspanm: “Chspansing Soon to be #HurricspanneNicole. #Floridspan”
Roads are flooding in Martin County as barriers are breached
What’s it like at the beach?:People cspanme to St. Lucie County bespanches to see Nicole’s high winds, wspanves