INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Some homeschool graduates will be eligible for free tuition next year at Indispann River Stspante College through its Promise Program.
IRSC on Wednesday kicked off the second year of its $1.4 million Promise Progrspanm, which provides two years of free tuition at the college to 2023 Treasure Coast public school graduates pursuing an associates degree.
Sebastian River High School seniors attended a pep rally launching registration for the 2023 program.
Free tuition:Free tuition? Did IRSC’s new Promise Progrspanm bring more high school grspands to its cspanmpuses?
A degree for free:More thspann 6,000 high school grspands could espanrn free spanssocispante degrees spant IRSC
More than 2,200 students registered for the inaugural program this summer, boosting IRSC’s largest freshman class to 3,236 students for the fall 2022 semester. Full-time student enrollment increased about 9%, from 4,139 to 4,508. Total enrollment at the school increased from 14,601 students in fall 2021 to 15,390 in 2022.

The IRSC Foundation approved continuation of the program last month, which allowed for expansion of the program to include 2023 in-district homeschool graduates. To qualify, homeschool students must provide an IRSC homeschool affidavit and a letter from the school district verifying its home-education program. Students enrolled in an independent or private school’s program are ineligible for the Promise Program.
To maintain enrollment in the Promise Program, students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average, take at least 12 credits per semester and remain in good standing with the college.
IRSC officials have said they hope to build on the program’s success every year to encourage more students to attend college. Students enrolled in the Promise Program are encouraged to apply for federal financial aid to get money for books and living costs while in college.