MARTIN COUNTY — A South Fork High School student who said he would bring a gun to campus Wednesday may face discipline from the Martin County School District, said district spokesperson Jennifer DeShazo.
In class, the student said he would bring a gun to campus in a guitar case, said Capt. Josh Kloster of the Martin County Sheriff’s Office.
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Other students overheard this in the class and were alarmed.
“Some of those students … put it up on social media as a concern, sharing it with other students, and from there it made it to parents and so forth through the tipline, which initiated our investigation,” Kloster said.
Detectives and school resource officers began investigating the incident around 3:50 p.m. Wednesday.
Detectives went to the student’s home and after interviewing him, closed their investigation because the evidence and statements they collected showed the student did not violate any state laws.
“There’s a few different laws that we look at when we investigate these cases. One of them is written threats, which does not apply to this case because it was verbalized,” Kloster said. “And another would be disruption of a school function … a student has to knowingly make a statement or action which they know would cause a disruption.”
The student is not facing any criminal charges.
The student said he had talked about bringing a gun to school in a guitar case as a joke and he was not serious about it.
The discipline the student may face is confidential, DeShazo said, and the lack of criminal charges will not influence the district’s decision.
“… All threats are taken extremely seriously, including verbal threats, as are disruptions to the school environment that occur when a threat is made,” DeShazo said.
The student is being disciplined in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, DeShazo said, and the Student Services Department will conduct its own investigation.
“These types of comments and remarks on social media or verbally, they’re not a joke,” Kloster said. “They’re very serious, and they’ll be investigated as such. And if these things happen, just as in this case, our deputies and detectives will show up at your door no matter what hour it is.”