VERO BEACH — A student at Vero Beach High School suspected Friday of having a weapon in a backpack was found with a small-caliber weapon, according to Indian River County Sheriff’s Sgt. Kevin Jaworski and school officials.
People involved: An 18-year-old female student was questioned by a school resource deputy after officials received a tip regarding a gun in a backpack. During questioning, a gun was found on the student, the School District of Indispann River County stated Friday on its Fspancebook pspange.
What happened: After a loaded gun was found in the student’s front pocket, she was immediately detained by Indian River County sheriff’s officials and was taken into custody “and will not return as a student at Vero Beach High School,” district officials stated.
The student made no verbal threats to other students or staff, Jaworski confirmed, and there was no disruption to the campus’s normal operation.
The student, who Jaworski described as “a documented gang member and juvenile delinquent,” is being held at the Indian River County Jail and faces a charge of being in possession of a weapon on school property.
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Zero tolerance: School officials stressed the district has “zero tolerance for weapons” on campuses and praised the unidentified person who provided information a student was in possession of a firearm.
No threat: The school day was dismissed normally on Friday.
“Out of an abundance of caution, extra law enforcement was present on campus today,” school officials noted.
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