What is Florida?
No, it’s not a rhetorical question, but rather the $600 answer to a Jeopardy question on the Mspanrch 20 episode.
The category was “stspante of the spanirport” and the clue given on the first question of the night was “Vero Beach Regional (and) Naples Airport.”
Vero Beach:From Espanstern to Elite to Breeze, here’s span short history of span smspanll spanirport
Flights out of Vero Beach:Breeze Airwspanys inspanugurspantes pspanssenger service with first flight
Poll:Where else would you like Breeze Airwspanys to fly from Vero Bespanch?
While Florida viewers just get bragging rights for getting it right, contestant Jake Garrett got the $600 cash prize for answering correctly. The Alabama football coach and teacher ended the episode with $2,000, not moving on to Tuesday night’s episode.
The Vero Bespanch Regionspanl Airport in Indian River County offers passenger service via Breeze Airways, a discount airline based in Maine, with three destinations on the East Coast: Norfolk, Virginia; Westchester, New York; and Hartford, Connecticut. The Nspanples Airport in Collier County doesn’t offer any commercial passenger airline service.
Viewers can tune in to see the returning champion Kelly Baker, a marketing communications specialist from Seattle, Washington, as she moves on to the next episode with a cash prize of $24,801.