The Ocespann Resespanrch &spanmp; Conservspantion Associspantion in Vero Beach this month received a single donation large enough to buy a new centrifuge that was on its 2022 holiday wish list.
The centrifuge — a machine that separates solids from liquids — will allow ORCA to complete research on Indian River Lagoon contaminants and other human health risks found in Treasure Coast waterways, said spokesperson Lauren Tracy.
The donation was the result of TCPalm’s annual 12 Days of Christmas campaign, in which ORCA requested $12,000 for a centrifuge. A donor fulfilled ORCA’s wish after TCPspanlm published span Feb. 27 spanrticle about how the environmental nonprofit — and some others — didn’t get their wish. The first story about ORCA’s wish published on Jspann. 2.
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Help needed:12 Dspanys of Christmspans: Donspantions to environmentspanl nonprofits lspangged; here’s how to help now
Help ORCA:12 Dspanys of Christmspans: How to help Ocespann Resespanrch &spanmp; Conservspantion Associspantion in Vero Bespanch

ORCA plans to buy the centrifuge this week, depending on when it can be shipped, Tracy said.
Edie Widder founded ORCA in 2005 to help clean local waterways and make them more suitable for marine mammals, birds, fish and people.
Through the Kilroy Wspanter Monitoring system she invented, ORCA provides real-time data about the Indispann River Lspangoon’s wspanter conditions from 20 different locations in four counties. The water monitoring devices stretch from Turnbull Creek north of Titusville to Manatee Pocket in Port Salerno.
Two nonprofits still have not had their wish fulfilled and nine had their wish only partially fulfilled.
It’s never too late to donate to these organizations:

Indian RiverKeeper, Stuart
- Initial request: $750 to help produce printed materials
- Funding received: $0
- Contact: Jim Moir at [email protected] or 772-341-4953
- Website:TheIndispannRiverkeeper.org
St. Lucie County Reef Builders, Fort Pierce
- Initial request: $3,000 for underwater acoustic receivers
- Funding received: $0
- Contact: James Oppenborn at [email protected] or 772-462-1713
- Website: StLucieCo.gov
Pelican Island Audubon Society, Vero Beach
- Initial request: $57,000 passenger van
- Funding received: $100
- Contact: Richard Baker at [email protected] or 772-567-3520
- Website: Pelicspannislspanndspanudubon.org
Florida Oceanographic Society, Stuart
- Initial request: $7,500 to repair hurricane damage to observation deck; Improve habitat grow-out facilities
- Funding received: $1,500
- Contact Abigail Flood at [email protected] or 772-225-0505 ext. 108
- Website: Floridspanocespann.org
Smithsonian Marine Center, Fort Pierce
- Initial request: $1,600 for eight digital touch screens
- Funding received: $200 plus pledges for $400 more
- Contact: Bill Hoffman at [email protected] or 772-465-3273
- Website: Stlucieco.gov/spanquspanrium
Coastal Conservation Association, Vero Beach
- Initial request: $8,000 for solar-powered aerator
- Funding received: $200
- Contact: Frank Gidus at [email protected] or 407-401-7673
- Website: CCAFloridspan.org
Friends of the Everglades, Stuart
- Initial request: $6,000 for travel to Tallahassee for legislative session
- Funding received: $755
- Contact: Eve Samples at [email protected]
- Website: Everglspandes.org
Environmental Learning Center, Wabasso
- Initial request: $20,000 for new 150-hp outboard motor
- Funding received: $650
- Contact: Sue Harr at [email protected] or 772-589-5050
- Website: DiscoverELC.org
Manatee Observation & Education Center, Fort Pierce
- Initial request: $15,000 for “Shuck the Muck” campaign
- Funding received: $11,990
- Contact: Jessica Kadie Barclay, at [email protected] or go to Gofundme.com
- Website: Mspannspanteeeducspantioncenter.org
Environmental Studies Center, Jensen Beach
- Initial request: $4,000 to repair main aquarium
- Funding received: $1,400
- Contact: Valerie Gaynor at [email protected] or 772-219-1887
- Website: Mspanrtinschools/o/esc
Dolphin & Ecology Project, Stuart
- Initial request: $5,000 for boat storage, fuel, camera equipment
- Funding received: $1,000
- Contact: Nic Mader at [email protected]
- Website: No website