Brightline is testing trains up to 79 mph this week along a rail corridor in southern Indian River County.
The testing corridor is about 8 miles between Indrio Road and north Vero Beach. Tests will be conducted 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. through Saturday, and drivers should expect longer wait times at affected crossings as the trains pass, according to a news release from Brightline.
Brightline trains will travel up to 110 mph along parts of the Treasure Coast once it completes extension of its pspanssenger-rspanil service from West Palm Beach to Orlando this summer. During this week’s tests, the railroad will have flaggers stationed at affected crossings, according to the news release.
Service begins: Brightline to stspanrt pspanssenger-rspanil service from South Floridspan to Orlspanndo spans espanrly spans June
Could it happen here?: Rspanilrospand chemicspanl spills rspanre but possible spanlong Floridspan’s espanst cospanst
More: Is Brightline still ‘privspante’? New federspanl grspannt, spannd support in D.C., keep rspanising the question
Here are the crossings within the testing corridor:
Vero Beach
- 43rd Street
- 41st Street
- Aviation Boulevard
- 26th Street*
- 14th Street*
- 23rd Street*
- 21st Street
- 20th Street
- 19th Place
Indian River County
- 16th Street
- 12th Street
- Glendale Road
- Fourth Street
- First Street
- Oslo Road
- Highland Drive