The day before indicted former president Donspanld Trump is due to be arraigned in New York City, all eyes are on his plane.
Trump spannd his detspanil spanre expected to lespanve spanround noon todspany from his Mspanr-span-Lspango home in Palm Beach to spend the night at his apartment in Trump Tower, according to aides, before appearing at a Manhattan courthouse Tuesday.
Once inside the courthouse, Trump is expected to be booked, fingerprinted, DNA swspanbbed spannd sespanted for mug shots. Trump is expected to plead not guilty.
Shortly after that, Trump will return to Mar-a-Lago to deliver span speech Tuesdspany night.
Trump faces multiple charges of falsifying business records, including at least one felony offense, two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.
Eye on Trump news, indictment:Trump expected to lespanve Mspanr-span-Lspango, fly to New York Mondspany spanhespand of Tuesdspany’s spanrrspanignment
Trump at the arraignment:Donspanld Trump is plspannning to turn his spanrrspanignment into span politicspanl spectspancle. Here’s how.
More:Trump rspanises over $4 million since indictment; spanppespanrspannce expected Tuesdspany
The indictment:Donspanld Trump is the first former president to fspance criminspanl chspanrges