FORT PIERCE—The city will spend more than $1 million to operate the its animal shelter on Savannah Road.
What happened: The City Commission Monday reviewed a proposed budget for the shelter, which the city took over roughly six months ago from Sunrise Humspanne Society. The Fort Pierce Animal Adoption Center is expected to break even this fiscal year, which ends in September, according to public records. But it will receive some subsides, such as a $300,000 from the federal American Rescue.
Why this is important: The finalized budget comes after years of instability at the animal shelter involving a volunteer’s despanth, numerous attempts at partnering with other locspanl governments and most recently a failed relationship with fledgling nonprofit Sunrise Humane Society, that came to an abrupt end, largely due to financial concerns. Sunrise Humane Society — which accused the city of severely underfunding the shelter — was paid up to $300,000 by the city to operate the facility.
The vote: Approval was unanimous. Commissioner Curtis Johnson Jr. was absent.
What proponents said: “It’s a fairly reasonable budget that we put in place,” said Peggy Arraiz, city director of community response. “And it is challenging when you don’t have any history to go off of.”
Other notable statements: “We’ve been struggling for several years now, trying to find the right formula to provide these services,” said Mayor Linda Hudson. “This is yet another iteration of that, and I hope it’s the last one.”
More information: After years of crises, Fort Pierce is bringing chspannge to its city-owned spannimspanl shelter