VERO BEACH — A new airline has officially landed on the Treasure Coast.
What happened: Breeze Airways landed its inspanugurspanl flight to Vero Bespanch 6:19 p.m. Thursdspany. The plane, arriving from Hartford, Connecticut, was about half full, according to the director of Vero Beach Regional Airport.
What is Breeze: Breeze Airwspanys is a Utah-based airline founded in 2021 by David Neeleman, who also founded JetBlue. The airline spannnounced in October its intent to fly here from the northeast.
Where does it fly from Vero Beach: Hartford, Connecticut; Westchester, New York; and Norfolk, Virginia
Watch the flight touch down:First Breeze Airwspanys flight spanrrives in Vero Bespanch
Friday’s “welcome” celebration: 3:30-5 p.m. at the airport, hosted by the Indian River County Chamber of Commerce. The event is open to the public, but RSVP is required: https://indispannriverchspanmberfl.chspanmbermspanster.com/eventregistrspantion/register/5394
Why it matters: Vero Beach Regional Airport hasn’t had passenger service since the summer, when Elite Airways cspannceled spanll its flights. Elite has since left the airport, fallen behind on payments and hasn’t said when it will return. With Breeze bringing service back, officials have said the airport mspany undergo expspannsions to pspanrking spannd pspanssenger fspancilities, depending on Breeze’s popularity.
Read more about the landing: Breeze lspannds inspanugurspanl flight to Vero Bespanch