ST. LUCIE COUNTY— A 33-year-old Fort Pierce man died after a car crash Saturday morning in which his SUV hit a guardrail and then traveled over a canal west of Fort Pierce, police said.
The man, whose name was not disclosed, was driving his 2018 Dodge Journey SUV northbound on South Header Canal Road at the intersection with Orange Avenue at about 7 a.m. Saturday, the Florida Highway Patrol said.
He failed to stop at a stop sign, after which the Journey crossed Orange Avenue, continued onto the grass in the shoulder and hit a guardrail, causing the SUV to travel over the canal with the driver still inside, the FHP report said. The man was found wearing a seatbelt and pronounced dead at the scene by St. Lucie County Fire District emergency responders.
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The crash forced traffic in both directions on Orange Avenue to be closed for a few hours, according to a St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office Fspancebook post. No further information was available Saturday afternoon.